Monday, 4 June 2012 - Tutorials - Tutorials  Check out this great site for photographers. Maybe you'll find some inspirtation here for your Inquiry photo shoot!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Outdoor Portrait Photography - YouTube

Outdoor Portrait Photography - YouTube

Outdoor Portrait Photography - in the sun - YouTube

Outdoor Portrait Photography - in the sun - YouTube

Photo Recipes Live w/ Scott Kelby: How to Use Natural Light - YouTube

Photo Recipes Live w/ Scott Kelby: How to Use Natural Light - YouTube

Canon EOS - Photo5: Portraiture with Chris Searl - YouTube

Canon EOS - Photo5: Portraiture with Chris Searl - YouTube
View videos on portrait photography. Don't miss Thursday when Wes Pascoe gives a portrait workshop. Be prepared to take a portrait this week of a friend, family member or even a self- portrait. Put your best shot in your P drive under folder named Portrait.

Portrait Photography with Graham Monro - YouTube

Portrait Photography with Graham Monro - YouTube

Canon EOS - Portraiture Shooting Photography Tutorial with Chris Budgeon - YouTube

Canon EOS - Portraiture Shooting Photography Tutorial with Chris Budgeon - YouTube

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Assignment for the month of May, two posts to our blog!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Carlos Reyes-Manzo was born in San Antonio, Chile, in 1944.
He studied cinematography at the Film Institute of the Catholic University and has worked as a documentary photographer since 1964. During the Pinochet regime, he was imprisoned for two years in camps for political prisoners.
In 1975 , he was sent into exile to Panama where he worked for the national and international media.
In November 1979 he was kidnapped by the Chilean secret police but managed to escape when the plane landed in London.
He has lived in London since 1979 and continues to document the struggles, hopes and suffering of people throughout the world. We were honoured by Carlo's presence in our classroom. Thank you Carlos, for your time, energy and dedication to the marginalized people throughout the world.
Carlos Reyes-Manzo's Rights and Wrongs: The Resilience of the World's Indigenous People exhibition is currently showing at the VIU Library throughtout the month of February. The show will  then move to the Nanaimo Musem.
                                        Documentary Photographer, photojournalist and poet

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Welcome to the Photography 10-12 blog! This page will have assignments, tutorials, photographs, opportunities for collaboration and sharing of work and ideas. Please feel free to comment and share your observations and feedback.
Panaoramic View of downtown Nanaimo by Cole Verrall